Corporate commitment of a special kind ought to be our voluntary work. And yet, rather than co-operating on an existing project we wanted to start something of our own and so hit upon the idea of a charitable event. We did not want to approach our target group (consisting of friends, acquaintances, clients, colleagues and interested parties) with the usual golf tournament or the ubiquitous charity gala. In fact we aimed at a mix of the pleasurable and the beneficial. Charity with a sense of fun, this was the idea behind the dance party held at the Kunstbar in Cologne.
Elfi Scho-Antwerpes took on the sponsorship for the event, Angela Spizig the Mayor from the Green's Party delivered the welcome address, the comic duo ONKeL fISCH regaled the audience with stand-up comedy and the highlight of the event was the short reading by the international author of bestsellers, Frank Schätzing. This was followed by festivities and amazing prizes being won at raffles. The Cologne notables too insisted on lending their support to our cause. Wolfgang Niedecken (BAP) donated a signed autobiography, Frank Schätzing similarly gave a pack of signed book selections and even Johann König contributed a DVD with a signed autograph card. Other cash contributions came in through music requests from guests and coat rack donations.
The charity proceeds went to LeseWelten, the reading initiative of the Cologne volunteer agency for children from the educationally deprived strata, children from the immigrant milieu and those with special needs. With the money LeseWelten could at long last set up a multi-lingual library for the reading and story-telling sessions.
SATZGEWINN becomes a Patron of Culture for Cologne
The term 'commitment' is not alien to SATZGEWINN. It is not just about conducting business in Cologne, we also want to give back something to the city and make a difference in a small way. No sooner one gets into matters of corporate commitment of citizens than one comes across voluntary agencies and cultural patrons.
"Kulturpaten Köln" (Cologne a Patron of Culture) brings together people from the world of finance and culture in the belief that both parties stand to benefit from common projects. This endeavour brings companies and employees to lend their expertise to the movers and shakers from the realm of culture, be it from the business perspective or for instance in matters of marketing (online).
In the past year we too touched base with the patrons of culture and shared our experience in the use of social media in the context of cultural projects.
And for our efforts, we along with other companies were awarded the distinction of Patron of Cologne in December. Here we want to heartily thank the Museum of East Asian Art once again for a marvellous evening. (Link:,15187530,21147824.html)
The plans concerning corporate commitment for this year are not official yet, but we do have some promising ideas. The latest will be available as usual here in our blog and at our Facebook page.